This is the garden in my lovely Second Life home. I'm starting this blog to save some of the special moments and perhaps find a place to show people what I figure out. I also want to show you stuff that is a bit too "adult" for Flikr, but if you want to check out my Flikr site, knock yourself out . One of the most profound questions in life is kinda turned into a cartoon version in Second Life and that is, "why Second Life". Why the first one you may ask? In fact this is a practical question for a certain old lady (102) that we discuss regularly. But let me return to Second Life and how it provides a possible answer, or, if you will, a better question. For one thing, I must note that it took me 10 years to come to understanding the question, let alone the answer. And the answer is, for me at least, Second Life is performance art . People perform and make art of all kinds for many reasons. I don't want to over-think it. But Second Life was originally created ...