In the Garden with Timm
[17:12:21] (You): I was watching some little girls feed tiny ponies through the fence
[17:12:23] (You): same thing
[17:12:39] (You): talk dad into spending $1,000 a month for a tiny horse
[17:12:45] Timm Tungsten: yes.. i understand.. we all lust for something
[17:12:53] (You): girls and horses
[17:12:56] (You): men with guns
[17:12:59] (You): boys with dogs
[17:13:07] Timm Tungsten: i hate guns
[17:13:07] (You): men with pussy :))
[17:13:24] Timm Tungsten: now pussy is different
[17:13:32] (You): my dad was an international marksman
[17:13:43] (You): we never thought of guns as weapons
[17:13:49] (You): it was a sport like golf
[17:13:54] Timm Tungsten: that is different
[17:13:58] (You): a stupid sport
[17:14:00] (You): but a sport
[17:14:35] Timm Tungsten: put i hate the idiotic gun culture
[17:14:49] Timm Tungsten: lets put it that way
[17:15:11] (You): I almost shit myself in the US when a cab driver pointedly showed a gun under his seat when he was not happy with the tip
[17:15:37] Timm Tungsten: that is what i mean
[17:15:41] (You): here's my insight of the day ...
[17:15:49] (You): life is a performance art
[17:16:01] (You): many people need a gun as prop
[17:16:12] (You): it's the role they have chosen for themselves
[17:16:26] (You): same with MAGA hats, Q-Anon
[17:16:32] (You): performance
[17:16:38] Timm Tungsten: yes.. put that hurts people is the problem
[17:16:47] Timm Tungsten: but. not put
[17:17:02] (You): very true, but it's "art" in the end
[17:17:10] (You): it can be very destructive
[17:17:16] Timm Tungsten: yes
[17:17:24] (You): leaders showing off can lead to war
[17:17:34] Timm Tungsten: same thing
[17:18:00] (You): several Presidents in a row thought that the vietnam war was a stage for their performance as POTUS
[17:18:14] (You): more important to keep the show going than save lives
[17:18:45] Timm Tungsten: that is very true.. i was alive for that
[17:19:15] (You): me too
[17:19:23] (You): I am older than I look
[17:19:29] Timm Tungsten: me too
[17:19:31] Timm Tungsten: :)
[17:19:39] (You): but that war was a side show in Canada
[17:19:53] (You): we were all about student power and free love
[17:20:02] (You): not in that order of priority
[17:20:09] Timm Tungsten: :)
[17:20:39] (You): but what is "self discovery" if not discovery of your role?
[17:20:50] Timm Tungsten: that is very true..
[17:20:54] Timm Tungsten: of course
[17:21:08] (You): I took LSD and wound up on the wrong fucking universe ...
[17:21:13] (You): oops
[17:21:41] Timm Tungsten: i never did that.. well i was a little young at that time
[17:21:49] (You): and "performed" numerous sexual acts - as artfully as I knew how
[17:22:12] (You): sex is a huge performance art
[17:22:32] Timm Tungsten: :)
[17:22:33] (You): we want to do it right - to please the one man/girl audience
[17:22:51] (You): we are NOT happy if the audience wanders out 1/2 way
[17:22:59] (You): etc etc
[17:23:10] (You): the metaphor works well
[17:23:16] Timm Tungsten: yes.. it sure is.. a very good performance.. best for the pleasure of the audience yes
[17:23:42] (You): guys often do not get this
[17:24:10] Timm Tungsten: i don't get what they don't get about that
[17:24:12] (You): you get into a trap - he won't fake it until I fake it :))
[17:24:23] Timm Tungsten: i never did drugs..
[17:24:29] (You): back off and consider performance
[17:24:41] (You): we both want to please the audience
[17:25:13] Timm Tungsten: and not very sexually experienced.. but what i have had.. and a bit of it.. it the best drug i know.. if you will
[17:25:27] (You): sure
[17:25:47] Timm Tungsten: i don't mean not experienced... not a lot of partners. is what i mean
[17:26:07] (You): so are you unhappy unless you get a screaming standing ovation?
[17:26:33] (You): or is simple audience participation enough for you?
(the rest of the chaat lost - sorry)
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