Kano on "Art"

[09:26:48] Kano Tamale: you define the arts very broad, I am more into the fine arts and yes performance art is a new genre but where to draw the line ? before you know it, you might end up with celebrities in a half nude pose

[09:27:09] (You): yes I know it's broad

[09:27:15] (You): thank you for noticing that

[09:27:31] (You): I don't draw a line at all

[09:27:47] (You): on some level a tree is "knowingly" creating its beauty

[09:27:56] (You): but that's a leap I know

[09:28:31] (You): I learn a lot from nature - I am just giving credit where credit is due

[09:28:49] (You): it's worthwhile to just *see* it that way

[09:28:57] Kano Tamale: like the Japanese do

[09:29:06] (You): flowers are putting on a show for the bees

[09:29:34] (You): I *am* listening to what you say - fine arts ...

[09:29:40] (You): ballet?

[09:29:51] (You): how about architecture?

[09:30:14] Kano Tamale: is sure an applied art form

[09:30:19] Kano Tamale: In my humble opinion ...

[09:30:40] (You): isn't painting an applied form of chemistry?

[09:30:49] Kano Tamale: eheheheheeee ;_

[09:30:57] Kano Tamale: for sure it is that too

[09:30:58] (You): if you do oils, you learn that fast

[09:31:17] (You): you can't just slap on any color or mix x with y

[09:31:30] (You): some colors crazy expensive

[09:31:40] (You): like blue

[09:31:46] Kano Tamale: i know

[09:32:05] Kano Tamale: in Roman times Red was the expensive colour

[09:32:27] Kano Tamale: But blue has always been expensive

[09:32:28] (You): so to make a huge leap, second life sex is applied software engineering

[09:32:37] (You): yea and purple

[09:32:51] (You): was that from clams?

[09:33:02] Kano Tamale: possibly

[09:34:19] (You): my viewer is set up for movies

[09:34:44] (You): can make you dizzy if you don't stay on the dance

[09:35:12] Kano Tamale: lol

[09:35:45] (You): I smooth camera action, use windlight

[09:35:54] (You): even if not "shooting"

[09:36:11] (You): so when I *am* shooting it's easy and natural

[09:36:43] (You): in "real life" I always "see" through my inner camera

[09:37:34] Kano Tamale: you mean you first process stuff before you  observe ?

[09:38:47] (You): hmm

[09:39:24] (You): no I am drawn to parts of experience that could be "captured" or just noticed

[09:39:47] Kano Tamale: aaah the camera view ;))

[09:40:02] (You): in a way yes

[09:40:18] (You): but the camera should not be part of the shot - not a visible part

[09:40:22] Kano Tamale: capturing for what reason ?

[09:40:25] (You): the subject is the art

[09:40:36] Kano Tamale: capturing*

[09:41:26] (You): sharing

[09:41:37] Kano Tamale: but why ?

[09:41:37] (You): art invites the viewer to *share*

[09:41:43] (You): aha

[09:41:48] (You): WHY !

[09:41:52] (You): because art is life

[09:41:56] (You): life is art

[09:42:08] (You): there is no "why"

[09:42:33] Kano Tamale: why are those parts of life you choose to capture, worth to been seen or been selected even ?

[09:42:59] Kano Tamale: sure you have a selection process of what to show and what not

[09:43:04] (You): that gets deep

[09:43:23] Kano Tamale smiles

[09:43:24] (You): of course you "select"

[09:43:31] (You): that's the illusion of "self"

[09:43:33] Kano Tamale nods

[09:43:38] (You): can't escape it

[09:44:19] Kano Tamale: so it's about sharings parts of life ?

[09:45:03] (You): you can't dig deeper than the concept "art"

[09:45:20] Kano Tamale: LOL

[09:45:54] (You): actually "performance art"

[09:46:08] (You): art is always a performance

[09:46:15] Kano Tamale: yes one of your selection criteria

[09:46:30] (You): but we miss lots of performances as art

[09:46:48] Kano Tamale: agreed

[09:50:28] (You): Trump is *all* performance - he is an artist but he uses art to inspire empty performance in his followers

[09:50:38] (You): such as the play they staged Jan 6

[09:51:05] (You): those people all *attempted* art with varying success

[09:51:15] (You): mostly short of talent

[09:51:54] Kano Tamale: so all social influence is art ?

[09:52:06] (You): well

[09:52:19] (You): art is in the eye of the beholder

[09:52:25] (You): it varies in quality

[09:52:42] (You): "rhetoric" was taught for centuries as art

[09:54:03] (You): Hitler *attempted* art - water colors and eventually the Mein Kampf - and architecture

[09:54:16] (You): you don't need to *like* it to recognize it as performance art

[09:54:22] Kano Tamale: and gas chambers

[09:54:48] (You): yes - sadly the extras were recruited against their will

[09:55:27] Kano Tamale: so the murder of millions of Jews is ART to you ?

[09:55:33] (You): one sensible goal in life is not to be recruited against your will

[09:55:53] (You): remember you don't need to *like* it to recognize the performance in it

[09:56:05] (You): Satanism is 100% performance

[09:56:30] (You): you might say all deliberate evil is performance art

[09:56:52] Kano Tamale: why would i ?

[09:56:54] (You): war is 99% performance

[09:57:10] (You): makes no sense in "real" terms

[09:57:28] (You): just a cast of millions in an epic horror movie

[09:58:18] Kano Tamale: i got lost on your definition of all "performance" as art

[10:00:12] (You): well the phrase is itself performance art ...

[10:00:20] (You): draws you in to ask WTF?

[10:00:33] (You): makes you into an audience

[10:00:50] (You): so then I can explain what I mean ...

[10:01:05] (You): in the end "art" doesn't mean anything

[10:01:13] (You): it's just shared experience

[10:01:34] (You): and people's experience of the same thing can be totally different

[10:03:05] Kano Tamale: yeah, but that leaves art as an empty concept

[10:03:28] (You): that's the point: Nirvana ☺

☺[10:03:45] (You): but it's not a dark, empty state of mind

[10:04:17] (You): it is a fruitful, creative state

[10:04:32] (You): in Taoism it's called the source of all being

[10:04:42] (You): something from nothing

Under these two aspects, it is really the same; but as development takes place, it receives the different names. Together we call them the Mystery. Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful
- Tao Te Ching

is subtle and wonderful.[10:04:54] (You): of course religion is 100% art

[10:05:00] (You): in the end it means nothing too

[10:05:18] (You): the problem is partly language

[10:05:37] (You): language is not about communicating "facts"

[10:05:37] Kano Tamale: yep

[10:05:54] (You): it is about inviting a person to share an experience

[10:06:01] (You): what do you see?

[10:06:09] (You): check my numbers ...

[10:06:21] (You): do you feel the election was stolen?

[10:06:25] (You): check my facts 💁

[10:06:43] (You): put on a silly hat and go on stage with me

[10:06:55] (You): or take a vaccination

[10:07:37] (You): if you think *everything* is related to this idea for me, that's exactly right

[10:09:35] (You): to be continued

[10:09:40] (You): thanks for allowing me to rant

[10:10:06] Kano Tamale: you"re welcome ;)

[10:10:07] (You): but it was good to be able to explain this to somebody

[10:11:56] Kano Tamale: well i pressed a bit ☺


  1. JJ comments ...

    [19:22:13] jj Brokken: but isn't just a way someone expresses them self
    [19:22:37] jj Brokken: or as you pointed out like trees and flowers
    [19:25:23] jj Brokken: well yes.. sometimes it just happens
    [19:25:35] (You): YES that's true
    [19:25:41] (You): that's a zen idea
    [19:25:56] (You): art simply emerges if you "get out of the way"
    [19:26:08] (You): it comes from a mysterious source
    [19:26:21] (You): like jazz
    [19:26:44] (You): or the way materials just seem to "go together"
    [19:27:07] (You): my sister makes huge art works that are all about materials - metals, cloth, ...
    [19:27:15] jj Brokken: and people clicking together
    [19:27:23] (You): YES that too
    [19:27:25] (You): good point
    [19:27:39] (You): like "jamming" - playing music with a group of friends
    [19:28:02] (You): so not expressing ME to YOU but expressing US
    [19:28:29] (You): that is second life "performance art"
    [19:28:41] (You): a massage for example ....


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