For easy reference, his guide is produced verbatim as it is included in the HORIZONS system. To my knowledge, information here is accurate. Read carefully.

HORIZONS -- Advanced Virtual Reality System

Home and Pro Builder's Guide

A Novatech product by Cheshyr Pontchartrain





The following guide pertains to the Home and Pro editions of HORIZONS.  When using a recording system, there are two very important requirements. 

    1.  You may only have one Horizons Pro and one Horizons Home rezzed in the same sim.  You may put several next to each other if they have different owners, but systems with the same owner will interfere with each other.  But fear not -- if you do rez more than one recording deck, it will automatically shut off the others and inform you of their locations.

    2.  VERY IMPORTANT!!!  Do not put NO COPY items in a scene. They will be destroyed. That is, after all, the purpose of NO COPY. You cannot copy such objects, so once the scene is cleared and the object destroyed, IT IS GONE FOREVER!

If you follow these rules you should have no trouble.  The one-per-sim limit does not apply to Basic decks.  You can place those as close together as you like, and next to a recording deck.  You will find a copy of Horizons BASIC in your folder.




To get started, you need a place to work.  Horizons includes a variety of shells and a template to assist.  If you want to incorporate our 20x20m template in your build, touch HORIZONS, click BUILD, and select NEW SHELL as a starting point.  Or start from scratch with your own creation.

If desired, you may eliminate the shell altogether and build anywhere within the same sim as the rezzer.  This allows the creation of scenes that span an entire region!  If you plan to create sim-sized scenes, we recommend placing the rezzer in the center of the sim at 128,128. This will make things easier should you wish to relocate to a new region.




Now that you have your workspace set, it's time to start building.  Create objects as normal, texturing and scripting as necessary. You can also use objects made by other people, but they MUST be set to COPY and MODIFY.  

Give the objects names that you will recognize later. To simplify the recording process, try to link as many objects as possible together. Items which are expected to move (furniture, doors, rotating lights, etc.) should remain separate. Likewise, do not link phantom objects to the floor or you and your users will have a nasty surprise. :)


When you are satisfied with the layout of the scene, go to your inventory and find the HORIZONS folder.  Inside you will find a script called "AVRS Scene".  If you are using Horizons Home or Horizons Pro for the first time, the recording scripts are packaged in a box called 'Recording Tools'.  You will need to unpack it first.

Drag a copy of this script into each object in your scene.  You should hear the message "position stored".  If you don't, be sure that you aren't in a no-script parcel. It is VERY IMPORTANT that each linked object in your scene have its own AVRS Scene script, and only one.  If not, the object will not rez in the proper position, nor will it vanish when the scene is changed.

As you drag the AVRS Scene script to each object, it will communicate with the system and record its position. As you add scripts, and get the recorded message, take that object to inventory. Do this with each object, taking it after receiving a "Position stored" message.

"Take" objects as you go. Watch "Recent Items". It's best that this be empty before you start.                                

When you have taken all the objects to inventory, touch the control panel or HORIZONS system and choose BUILD, and select NEW CRATE. A crate will rez for you to store the objects you just created.

    1.   Rename the crate to something meaningful

    2.   Find the objects you just created in your inventory.

    3.   Select each one and drag it to the Contents folder of the scene crate.

    4.   When you are finished, take the crate.

Edit the HORIZONS system, select the contents folder,  The system will alert you in chat that the contents have changed, and reset, and let you know that its ready for use. Touch the control panel to get the menu, choose SCENES, and select your newly added scene from the list. The system will rez it for you, and that's it, your ready to have fun!




The process is nearly identical to creating scenes.  The only difference is the name of the crate.  When you have packaged your shell, name it something meaningful, this time prefacing the name with the word SHELL in uppercase.  For example, "SHELL Beach House". That's all there is to it!   For backwards compatibility, I have included a shell floor script. The new version is named "AVRS Floor 3.0".

Edit the HORIZONS system, select the contents folder, and drag your newly named crate to contents. The system will alert you in chat that the contents has changed, and reset, and let you know that its ready for use. Touch the control panel to get the menu, choose SHELLS, and select your newly added shell from the list. Enjoy!




If you are comfortable with basic scripts, and would like to create your own scenes for the panocubes, look in your Recording Tools package for "Panorama Kit".  This is simply a copy of the standard panorama menu with a simple rendered beach scene.  To change the textures, edit linked parts and edit the script in any of the 7 display prims.

At the top of the script you will find several lines like this:

    string FLOOR = "08e33415-81c1-b941-625d-2f184c73b0be";

    string ROOF = "900d55e6-62c6-fdaf-6cd5-08e0ae5f093e";

    string FRONT = "977e8d9b-cc62-a320-6080-88e7708e39ec";

    string BACK = "5193a5df-15ab-e68b-0c08-0a4373374d12";

    string LEFT = "f25a7550-6793-1c9a-ce32-3fda94458bb4";

    string RIGHT = "91639f46-f12d-0ed1-13db-b559034e671a";

Each is a texture key for that location in the cube (floor, roof, etc.)  Simply replace the keys with the textures of your panorama.  When you're finished, record your new menu as part of any of the panocubes, and save it back to HORIZONS. Preferably with a new name so you don't get it confused with the original.

If you plan to distribute your creations, be sure to set the scripts copy-only or anyone will be able to steal your textures.




The recording crate is a combination of the normal scene crate and HORIZONS Pro.  Place it in the center of your build, add AVRS Scene scripts as usual, and pack everything into this crate. When you're ready to sell, click LET ME SELL on the crate's menu. Then give it a name, set your desired permissions, and you're good to go! Recording Crates have a 96m range, so you can work on several builds at the same time, provided they're not in range of each other.

NOTE: These crates and HORIZONS Pro use the same channel.  For best results, turn HORIZONS Pro OFF (click options/offline) before using a recording crate, and make sure that no other crates are within 96m of your scene.




If you're feeling adventurous, the scene crates have abilities of their own.  If you change the description of your crate to "hide shell", the entire shell will vanish when your scene is rezzed, and reappear when it clear.  This is handy for larger scenes, skyboxes, or other cases where you may wish to view the outside world.  If you place a texture inside your crate, it's UUID will be announced when the scene rezzes, for use on "Now Playing" displays and other gadgets.

Similarly, adding "hide floor" to a scene crate will cause any shell object with the word 'floor' in its name to vanish when the scene is rezzed. You can test this manually by saying "hide floor".

If you've come this far, you presumably know how to add lights to your builds. But have you noticed that lighting and glow in shells remains viisible even when the shell is hidden?  Use the "AVRS Automatic Light" script to solve this problem, as well as giving your users a handy automatic light with touch override.  You may use this script in any scene or shell object.  The lighting script is full-perm, so you can edit it to change the light brightness, color, glow, etc.

If your scene has no obvious exit, place the included "AVRS Show Exit" script in the front wall, making sure that object is not linked to anything else.  When clicked on (or the arch/exit command is given), anything with this script in it will fade out and become phantom for a few seconds.

Other scripts and tools in the box include:

    * --Scene Crate-- - The scene crate discussed previously.

    * --Recording Crate-- - This is a combination scene crate and HORIZONS Pro recorder.

    * AVRS Scene (15 second clear) -- Like AVRS Scene, except the object will remain for 15 seconds after the scene is cleared.

        This allows your own scripts (or the mini-rezzer) extra time to clean-up.

    * AVRS Pano -- Used by the walls in the panorama kit.

    * AVRS Automatic Light -- A simple light that turns on at sunset, and off at sunrise. If used in a shell, the light will also

        turn off when the shell is hidden. Full-perm so you can change the color, brightness, etc.

    * AVRS Show Exit -- Make the object invisible and phantom when touched, or when the arch is summoned

    * AVRS Turn Solid on Rez -- Use this in large (> 30m) objects to work around a Second Life bug. Your item will immediately turn

        phantom, so make sure you're flying if it's the floor.

    * AVRS Temp Rezzer -- Place this script and an object with 'AVRS Turn Temp on Rez' in it, inside an invisible prim

        where you want the temporary object to appear. HORIZONS will keep it refreshed so it remains visible.

    * AVRS Turn Temp on Rez -- Makes your object temporary when rezzed. For use with AVRS Temp Rezzer

    * HORIZONS Scene Installer -- Add your scene crate to the contents of this orb for easy installation in HORIZONS.

    * Novatech Scene Installer -- Same as above, but the user will be asked where they want to install it (emDash, the TARDIS, etc.)

    * Panorama Kit -- A sample menu for creating your own panoramas.




Do you have a complicated object that needs to do something before clearing? Remove itself from a network, clear rezzed objects, etc.?  A door that needs to be reset after moving to a new position?  Have your scripts listen for the following messages. If you like, you can also link prims to HORIZONS itself, or install your own script into it, and use these messages for your own use:

    When a scene is rezzed, HORIZONS sends a link message containing "REZZED_SCENE" as the message, and the name of the scene as the key.

    When a scene is cleared, the link message "CLEARED_SCENE" is sent.

    When a shell is rezzed, HORIZONS sends a link message containing "REZZED_SHELL" as the message, and the name of the shell as the key.

    When a shell is cleared, the link message "CLEARED_SHELL" is sent.


In addition, HORIZONS broadcasts several system messages on the API channel you set in the __config__ notecard.

    HORIZONS::scene::<name>  -- The scene called <name> has just been rezzed

    HORIZONS::texture::<texture> -- Preview picture for the last scene rezzed. <texture> is a key.

    HORIZONS::cleared  -- The scene has been cleared

    HORIZONS::error::<message> -- An error message

    HORIZONS::online -- HORIZONS is online

    HORIZONS::offline -- HORIZONS is offline    

Objects in scenes also receive messages via the link_message() event:

    When an object has been rezzed, and has finished moving into position, the link message AVRS_REZZED is sent.

    When a scene is cleared, all objects in the scene receive the link message AVRS_CLEAR.

    When a shell is hidden, HORIZONS sends the link message AVRS_HIDESHELL to all prims in the object.

    When a shell is shown, HORIZONS sends the link message AVRS_SHOWSHELL to all prims in the object.


To rez and clear scenes via a script, you can have your script chat any Horizons commands (i.e., "load program bridge") on the API channel. This is defined in the __config__ notecard and defaults to -19200.  For example, to have a script clear the scene when touched, you would write something like:

    llSay(-19200, "end program");




If you are interested in selling your creations, and you own a HORIZONS Pro system, please join the "Novatech" support group.  When you have created a scene you wish to sell, please contact any of the group officers for approval. If your scene or shell is approved, package it carefully, being sure that all objects, scripts, etc. are transferable.  Objects need to have full permissions (mod, copy and transfer.)  Scripts and other prim contents do not need to be modifiable, but they must be copy/trans.  HORIZONS Home cannot be used to sell scenes, as the recording scripts and crate are not transferable.

Once everything has been checked, pack it into a scene crate as shown above.  The crate can now be given to Cheshyr Pontchartrain for sale.  We charge a modest commission, and will advertise accepted creations through the group, on the Marketplace, and in vendors throughout Second Life.


Cheshyr Pontchartrain



Marketplace Listings: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/6116


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