Rezzer Notes
Here are some of the features of Rez-Free:
- It's FREE! The Free version contains all the features you would expect from other commercial package rezzers.
- Integrates with CasperVend Holovendors - ideal for house sellers or otherwise demoing your large build
- The Premium version also integrates with non-caspertech systems such as HippoVend, and includes API support
- The separate parts of your build can be ANYWHERE on the same region.....
- .... or up to 100 meters over a region boundary! No other build rezzer in second life supports both these modes
- Extremely robust rezzing system means that rezzing always succeeds even on lagged sims
- Extremely low lag scripting means that your sim is not bogged down by this system
- Unlimited pieces can be managed - no memory limits
- Add/remove new pieces at any time without having to start again
- Automatic temp-rezzer support detects if pieces are temporary and automatically re-rezzes them
1. Rez a Rez-Free Anchor on the ground.
2. Position it approximately close to the center of your build, but in an easily accessible location.
3. Link as much of your build together as possible, then drop a "Rez-Free Tracker" script into the ROOT prim of each linkset (or into single prims like doors if you need to keep them separate). (ROOT PRIM ISSUE?) Seems to be necessary to NAME the root prim appropriately - name of entire object
4. You should see a particle trail from each part heading to the anchor. If any are pointing in a different direction, you have a second anchor rezzed and you should delete the other anchor. However, pieces should automatically find the nearest anchor.
5. You can now move the anchor, and rotate it, and all the pieces of your build will follow. I suggest that you move the anchor 10 meters into the air, to see if you missed any pieces. If you did, simply "undo" the move and add the missing pieces.
6. Once you're happy that all pieces are being tracked, right click each in turn and Take into your inventory.
7. Now, move the pieces into the contents of the Rez-Free Anchor object.
8. Touch the anchor, and then click Rez. The pieces should all appear in their previous locations.
9. If you're happy with the positions, click the anchor and go to DeRez, and then go to FINALISE. This will make the anchor transferable and will also make it stop accepting adjusted positions - each piece is locked in the previous position. You will no longer be able to add new pieces, either.
10. You can now give the crate a different name, and sell it, give it away, whatever you like! If you own the CasperVend Holovendor system, you can put the crate directly into the holovendor and it will be available for demos. Please see the readme from that system for more information.
"FINALISE!" - Makes the object transferrable so you can sell your build
"Store" - writes the current position and rotation to the object description. Not entirely sure what this is useful for, but some people requested it!
"Stealth" - This removes text and particles but keeps the prims tracking. Note: If you no longer wish to move the build, you should always use "kill scripts" or "finish!"
Does this system NOT suit your needs? Contact me (Casper Warden) and i'll see what I can do to help.
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