S-300-RFL Helicopter
Wonderful gift from a new friend Surprisingly tricky to fly in "mouse view" which is realistic. You can't just zoom around, you need to fly the thing. Fortunately it has pontoons for those unplanned dips in the ocean.
Here is the "real" one.
Welcome to your new Animate Works S-300-RFL Helicopter.
Thank you for your purchase. This is a mesh based product for Second Life. It has some basic differences from Prim based products. Mesh items usually have higher levels of detail at lower prim counts than Second Life Prims. With this advantage the models tend to look more realistic and still maintain a low prim count under the land usage count. Due to this you can have nicer looking products without affecting the prims you are allowed for your land.
(149 prims)
This model is loosely based on the real life Sikorsky S-300 Family of Helicopters. However it is a fictional representation and in no way is a representation of a real helicopter. It is meant for personal use only to enjoy flight in Second Life.
Interesting Wiki Quotes on Sikorsky S-300 Helicopters;
The Schweizer 300 (formerly Hughes 300) family of light utility helicopters was originally produced by Hughes Helicopters, as a development of the Hughes 269. Now manufactured by Schweizer Aircraft, a recent subsidiary of Sikorsky Aircraft, the basic design has been in production for almost 50 years. The single, three-bladed main rotor and piston-powered Schweizer 300 is mostly used as a cost-effective platform for training and agriculture. In February 2009, the 300C was rebranded as the Sikorsky S-300C.
To see the full Wiki write up goto; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikorsky_S-300
The Second Life Model;
This Helicopter was designed entirely in Blender from scratch by Sal Fireguard as a model to be used solely in Second Life. Throughout the build a lot of attention was taken to design it for low prim use but also to retain a very high level of detail that could be used in Second Life. The Physics model was made to take advantage of vehicle use in second life but also to keep the physical aspects down to low prim counts to work better in the Havok Engine and keep physics lag to a minimum. Also specific UV Mapping was done to allow end users to be able to custom paint those areas of the model that would be commonly painted on the real helicopters of this type. In keeping with the Low Lag design only those parts that would need to be painted have textures or mapping. Other parts use base colors which reduce the model weight overall.
The Flight Engine;
Flight Scripting is licensed from Real Flight to give a superior flight experience to the end user. This flight script has been upgraded to work with Convex Hull models and is very easy on Second Life servers to provide a low lag experience to it's users. More control is available through this flight system than most scripts for vehicles in Second Life.
The Controls;
Type the following commands in the chat window to operate, (after typing a command you need to use the enter key on your keyboard to active the command.)
- 'HELP' to see this short manual again
- 'START' 'STOP' the engine
- 'COPILOT' authorize your copilot
- 'PILOT' to get control back
- 'EJ' to eject your copilot
- LEFT MOUSE CLICK toggles cyclic/Collective Steer while in mouselook
- 'D' 'DD' open doors
- 'L' toggles position lights
- 'C' toggle dynamic cam
- 'I' collective info to chat message
- 't' Turbulence level
- 'h' toggles high altitude use on/off
- 'M' enables precision mouse steering
- 'MS' center mouse
- 'MI' invert mouse
- 'M+' 'M-' adjust crosshairs height
- 'GUEST' turns on guest mode
Special Mouse command,
- MOUSE CLICK toggles cyclic while in mouselook
Only the owner can be the main pilot unless you set on guest mode. When guest stands the helicopter is deleted. It is not lost from owners inventory however a guest using the helicopter also can not liter by leaving the helicopter somewhere. They only have rights during that flight that you turned on guest mode for and if they want to fly it again it can only be with owner permission by the owner turning guest mode back on for a new flight.
Pilot begins by sitting, left click on the main helicopter body and select Pilot from the menu to sit. Copilot must click on the copilot seat to sit after the pilot has entered and sat. Doors can be operated to allow view of seats by typing "d" in chat or "dd" for the copilots door. Typing either command again will close the doors.
Once the pilot is seated he can type "start" in chat to start the Helicopter. The helicopter will power up and the rotors will begin to turn. It will take about 15-20 seconds for the start sequence to complete before the helicopter will be able to be moved.
Basic Flight control keys;
Page Up / Down keys will operate the collective. This controls your altitude. 50 percent collective will hover the helicopter without gaining or losing altitude so long as your not moving in forward or backwards flight. The more speed you gain forward or backwards the more collective you will need over 50 percent to maintain level flight. So remember this is a balancing act as it is in a real helicopter. The pilot must maintain altitude by balancing speed against altitude with a combination of control inputs. Collective values below 50 percent will give negative lift and allow the helicopter to lose altitude. Usually to land the helicopter you will want a value between 40% and 50%. Max Collective for this vehicle is 65%. 0% collective will put on the brakes so that the bird is completely stopped. The Helicopter can use the stop command if the collective is below 20%.
The cursor keys allow you to move in the directions of the keys. Cursor up will give forward speed while cursor down allows backwards speed. This would be the Cyclic control in a real helicopter. However as there is no proper joystick support in Second Life we are limited to these four directions that are provided by the cursor keys. To allow for smaller directional changes the script has enhanced control to allow very small steps of rotation and gives Second Life users maximum control while only using 4 keys for direction. Cursor left or right will turn the vehicle in those respective directions.
Using Shift on the keyboard while holding Left or Right Cursor will allow the cyclic control to move the helicopter left or right with minimal turning. This can also work in Mouselook however you must toggle the modes by left clicking the mouse instead of holding shift on the keyboard. This allows for smoother landings and more control in tight spaces.
Typing "copilot" in chat allows you to turn over flight control to anyone sitting in the second seat. Typing Pilot allows owner to retake control.
Typing "i" in chat you can switch on or off the collective info in the chat window. This can be useful for in display modes where the text HUD is not seen.
Typing 'h' allows the high altitude system to work but turns off ground affects. This is used only for flying to and from a sky building above 300 meters.once you drop below 300m you should always remember to type 'h' again so that you can land properly on water or ground and have proper ground affects working for normal flight.
There is a toggle for in flight turbulence by typing "t" in chat to switch from normal to soft turbulence. This is helpful in some landing conditions or tight maneuvering spaces.
Typing "c" toggles the Camera modes, "l" controls lights, "ej" ejects the copilot.
To turn off the helicopter you must land, reduce collective to below 20% and then type "stop" in chat.
The pilot must be seated for most helicopter functions to work. The helicopter can only be under copilot control after the pilot has started it and only have flight controls.
There is a floating text heads up Display inside the cockpit and at the rear of the vehicle so that you can see the basic flight instruments while flying in Cammed or Mouselook flight.
Special Mode for flight using your Mouse as a controller - Precision Steering;
Sit in the helicopter and select mouselook from your camera controls on your viewer. In the chat window type 'm' to enter mouselook steering mode. You will need to center the new mouse pointer on the center lines (vertical and Horizontal) then in chat type 'ms' to lock the center point for your avatar. Best to set Mouse center when at 0% collective or at rest where helicopter is not moving in any direction. Also enter standard camera mode before handing controls to a copilot and make sure that if they use Precision Steering to also center as the pilot would before using these controls. You can use 'm+' or 'm-' to move the horizon line up or down so that it is at the horizon from your avatars view. A special function 'mi' was included in case you want to flip mouse up and mouse down to an inverted mode. Once started the helicopter will accept your input from the mouse as if you were using the cursor keys. Please note that this mode can take practice but can also be very rewarding as you can get even finer control of the vehicle movements. Left clicking the mouse button does change between cyclic and collective steer as before.
Use small mouse movements while in this mode until you understand how it works. A large movement of the mouse can easily send you and the helicopter out of control just like the real one. Helicopter controls can be one of the most difficult of any vehicle to master and also one of the most rewarding once you have it mastered.
You should always revert back to camera view to shut down as this will also clear the cross hair display from the cockpit.
Note some viewers you can only enter chat from mouse look if you hit enter first to bring up a chat line then type your text and hit enter again.
Painting and coloring;
You can drop new textures on the various outer body parts to change textures. Coloring can also be easily changed using the select face in the edit panel. Note this should be done only by experienced editors in Second Life. Animate Works takes no responsibility for any textured Helicopters which the user has modified. So please be sure you only edit a copy of the helicopter. A layered Photoshop template is available as a guide to painting. We recommend that you use it. If you do not have Photoshop then you can use other software that can read Photoshop files. The supplied Template is a black and white only texture which makes it easy to use and combine with face colors in Second Life. If you use a color template instead then it is recommended to use a white face color in Second Life so that you colors are not mixed. Animate Works also is not here to teach Photoshop or other editing tools. Skill Levels in this style of program is user provided and your results will determine how well your final model will look.
You can get a copy of the Photoshop Template at; https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#folders/0B2LOOjbnUlDzRWw2YVdyWGd6RDg
Zip Format file;
We recommend using TGA or PNG only as file types for importing into Secondlife for the best possible look of your final work. Please do not resize or move the wire frame graphic in Photoshop or otherwise as it will not scale according to the mesh's UV Mapping. You may also want to use the keyboard shortcut of Control Alt T to see transparent objects so you only drop textures on appropriate parts. No templates are provided for engine, or cockpit parts. Edit those only at your own risk.
Customer Service.;
The vehicle comes in a base white paint. You can color the body panels in edit but please only start with a copy. As above a texture is available for you to further customize your look. There are no refunds for customizing your vehicle that went wrong.
You may contact Sal Fireguard inworld in Second Life with a note card for any questions you may have. As this vehicle is copy only you may not get a refund as this can not be transfered back. You can not transfer this to another party either as a gift unless purchased that way through SL Marketplace or a gift-able vendor system. Be sure to ask any questions before purchase.
If you need to contact Sal Fireguard you must also provide your full avatar name so you can be contacted back.
To see this fine machine contact Sal Fireguard in-world to make an appointment to see and try it out.
This vehicle can be purchased in-world at or on SL Marketplace.
Other vender's are starting to be placed through various locations in Secondlife. If you would like to have one please contact Sal Fireguard for review.
A group inviter is also included in the package. Just rez and touch. It will put a group invite message in the local chat window.. Type control H and you can join the Animate Works group to get any group chat, notices, or updates.
While the Vehicle included in this package look similar to Sikorsky S-300 Helicopters it is a fictional only vehicle. It does not claim to be a Sikorsky product. It is a fictional vehicle only and intended for recreational use inside of Secondlife. All mention of Sikorsky Helicopters are for comparison only. to a real life product. It does not in any way represent any real life product. All Trademarks to Sikorsky belong solely to that party. This is an Animate Works fictional Vehicle.
Mesh and Texturing - Sal Fireguard
Scripts - Real Flight Licence; Patrick Lawson
Poses - Midi Aeon
Primary Test Pilots - Serena Lexington, Suzi Siemens
Please enjoy your new vehicle. Thank you.
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