A Hidden Source of Freebies
Under Avatar/Chose and avatar, we find a whole bunch of avatars. You probably picked one of these when you joined Second Life. If that was a long time ago, the free avatars are a lot better than your choices back then. You can have some fun fiddling with the "free" outfits. This is especially true for men, who tend to stick with two or three outfits. There are some cool things for men hiding in the free avatars. If you know anything about getting dressed in Second Life, at least you have some outfits to "borrow". "Baked on Mesh" means that all of these classic outfits can be worn on a mesh avatar. One of the most interesting free avatar is "Riannon" who comes with a lovely Bento horse. It's easy to "steal" Riannon's horse and the associated avatar to use with your own mesh avatar. I leave the rest to your imagination. One little tip. Using BOM on you mesh body, wear the alpha with the outfit components you "steal". Mo...