How to Meet a Real Person in Second Life


I get two complaints from ladies and men.

Ladies complain the guys are all assholes wanting nothing but sex (see previous blog).

Guys complain that ladies blow them off. 99% of even the most polite advances are greeted by rude replies or a vanishing prospect.

So here is a suggestion:

For guys who don't want to use Second Life as cheap porn - guys who actually want to meet ladies and keep their company, avoid the nude beach. Go to places like Frank's where the girls are all standing there waiting to be asked to dance (they are mostly there to show off their gowns, but odds are better than the beach).

For gals, the same advice holds. Avoid the nude beaches. Guys assume nudity=ready for sex.

 Guys at Frank's are looking for at least a chat. They are on their best behaviour. Read profiles to sort out the dedicated perverts. But be patient. You can stand around a long time before anyone notices you. Look your best. Bring a book.

For the girls, I strongly recommend the "What is She Wearing" hud. You can find out where the other ladies bought their outfits. Feel free to strike up a conversation with the girls. There is no rule against talking to the guys either but it may not go well.  Best to know they are interested first.


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