
Showing posts from August, 2022

Something Creepy This Way Comes

A tornado made of sharks crashing into a skyscraper.  Painting in the style of abstract cubism. The above "painting" was made by  Google Parti from the caption . For the most part, what people now mean by "AI" is "deep learning", which is sophisticated pattern recognition - handy if you want to make a self-driving car or a phone that accepts your face to unlock. "Deep learning" was around in 1969 but needed vastly more computer power to make it work, plus a "tweak" to feedback results back into the decision matrix (you can think of this as a "guess" or "recognition"). Other than that, it's all very impressive but not fundamentally new. This is something different.  It shows more "creativity" than what you see in 99% of commercial graphic art; It shows deep "understanding" from a massive database of tagged images - far more than a human would access; It shows an "understanding" of sty...